

CAS Number: 99-76-3

Grade: NF

Packaging: Box

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CAS Number: 99-76-3

Grade: NF

Packaging: Box


Methylparaben is an ester formed by combining para-hydroxybenzoic acid with methanol.

Chemical Formula: CH₃(C₆H₄OH)CO₂ or MeP

CAS Number: 99-76-3

Grade: NF

Appearance: odorless, colorless crystalline, or a white crystalline powder.


  • Preservative: It is utilized as a preservative in pharmaceutical formulations such as topical ointments, creams, gels, suspensions, and oral medications.

  • Cosmetic and personal care products: Methylparaben helps prevent the growth of bacteria, mold, and yeast in these products, extending their shelf life and reducing the risk of spoilage.

  • Food preservative: It may be found in items such as baked goods, and desserts, to extend their shelf life and prevent spoilage.

Industry and Common Applications:

  • Pharmaceuticals: It helps prevent microbial contamination and degradation of active ingredients.

  • Food and Beverage Industry: Methylparaben may be used as a preservative in certain food and beverage products.

  • Cosmetics and Personal Care Products: It helps prevent microbial growth, including bacteria, yeast, and mold, thereby preserving the quality and safety of the products during storage and use.