Calcium Palmitate


CAS Number: 542-42-7

Grade: FCC, Kosher

Packaging: Bag

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CAS Number: 542-42-7

Grade: FCC, Kosher

Packaging: Bag

Calcium Palmitate is a compound formed from the reaction of palmitic acid (a saturated fatty acid) and calcium hydroxide. It belongs to the group of calcium salts of fatty acids, also known as calcium soaps.

Chemical Formula: Ca(C₁₆H₃₁O₂)₂

Appearance: A white, waxy solid.


  • Cosmetics and Personal Care Products: Utilized in cosmetics and personal care products such as creams, lotions, and lip balms as an emollient to moisturize and soften the skin. It forms a protective barrier that helps retain moisture and prevents dryness.

  • Binding Agent: In ingredients such as pressed powders and makeup products, calcium palmitate may be used as a binding agent to impart cohesion and improve product adhesion.

  • Dietary Supplements: This compound is included in dietary supplements and vitamin formulations to provide a source of calcium, an essential mineral for bone health and overall well-being. It is commonly used in multivitamin-mineral preparations and calcium supplements.

  • Pharmaceuticals: In pharmaceutical formulations, FCC and Kosher grade calcium palmitate can serve as excipients or inert ingredients in tablet and capsule formulations. They may be used as lubricants, binders, or coating agents to facilitate tablet manufacturing and improve drug delivery.