

CAS Number: 94-26-8

Grade: NF

Packaging: Box

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CAS Number: 94-26-8

Grade: NF

Packaging: Box


Butylparaben, also known as butyl p-hydroxybenzoate, is an organic compound that belongs to the class of chemicals called parabens.

Chemical Formula: C₁₁H₁₄O₃

CAS Number: 94-26-8

Grade: NF

Appearance: Colorless crystalline or white crystalline powder.


  • Preservative in Cosmetics: Butylparaben, along with other parabens, has been extensively used as a preservative in a wide range of cosmetic and personal care products.

  • Household and Cleaning Products: Butylparaben may be included in household cleaning products such as detergents, and disinfectants.

  • Industrial Processes: Butylparaben may find application in various industrial processes where microbial contamination poses a risk to product quality or safety.

Industries and Common Applications:

  • Pharmaceuticals: It is used as a preservative in pharmaceutical formulations to maintain the safety of pharmaceutical products by preventing microbial growth and degradation.

  • Food and Beverage Industry: It may be used as a preservative in certain food and beverage products, although its use is more limited compared to other preservatives due to regulatory restrictions and consumer preferences for natural alternatives.

  • Cosmetics and Personal Care Industry: Butylparaben is extensively used as a preservative in cosmetics, skincare products, hair care products, and toiletries.