Dipropylheptyl Phthalate


CAS Number: 53306-54-0

Packaging: Flexitank

Synonyms: DPHP

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CAS Number: 53306-54-0

Packaging: Flexitank

Synonyms: DPHP

Dipropylheptyl Phthalate

Dipropylheptyl phthalate (DPHP) belongs to the class of organic compounds called phthalates. It is an ester formed by the reaction of phthalic acid and 2-propylheptanol.

Chemical Formula: C₂₈H₄₆O₄

CAS Number: 53306-54-0

Appearance: Colorless, viscous liquid


  • Plasticizer: Primarily used as a plasticizer to soften and improve the flexibility of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastics

  • Coating agent: Generally, applicable in coating electric cable.

  • Humectant: It attracts and retains moisture, improving the product's feel and preventing drying in certain cosmetic formulations.

Industries and Common Applications:

  • Plastic industry: It is used as a plasticizer in specific applications making plastics more flexible and durable.

  • Construction industry: Utilized in building applications like roofing membranes, flooring materials, and electrical cable coatings.

  • Other applications: It is also applied in some medical tubing, toys, and other PVC products.